+353 98 28088


Our Environmental Policy 

We in the Clew Bay Hotel understands its activities have an impact on the environment and we are committed to minimising these effects as much as we can. 

Over the past number of years, we have been recording our data and have seen huge improvements in reducing our Carbon Footprint, we have a lot done but as always it is something that requires continuous improvement. Yes we can do better, so we have started a new Green Journey. 

In 2022, we engaged with Fifty Shades Greener and are working towards a Green Action Plan of activities that will allow us to understand, control, reduce and monitor our use of water & energy and production of waste. 

Our 2022 goals are: 

10% reduction of landfill waste 

5% reduction of energy use 

15% reduction of water use

We in the Clew Bay Hotel are committed to taking the following action

To continue sound environmental practices across our entire operation. 

To minimise our waste and reduce our water consumption where possible. 

To reduce, Reuse, Recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical.

To invite our customers, suppliers and contractors to participate in our efforts to protect the environment. 

To provide all employees with the training and resources required to meet our objectives. 

To openly communicate our policies and practices to interested parties.

To monitor and record and share our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance with our policies, objectives and targets.

To invest and utilise green technologies when and where possible.